08Apr“Right Plant, Right Place” 2022 Native Plant Nursery Opening Special Lecture with Gregg Tepper
With so many wonderful natives to choose from, visiting the Native Plant Nursery can be overwhelming. What should you plant and where? What are the benefits of each species?…
03Dec2022 Holiday Wreath Workshop Morning Session (Dec. 3)
Join the fun and make a festive holiday wreath out of natural materials and native plants, including juniper, white pine and holly. In this festive workshop follow a step-by-step…
02Dec2023 Holiday Wreath Workshop Afternoon Session (Dec. 02, 2023)
Join the fun and make a festive holiday wreath out of natural materials and native plants, including Eastern juniper (Juniperus virginiana), white pine (Pinus strobus) and American holly (Ilex…
02Dec2023 Holiday Wreath Workshop Morning Session (Dec. 02, 2023)
Join the fun and make a festive holiday wreath out of natural materials and native plants, including Eastern juniper (Juniperus virginiana), white pine (Pinus strobus) and American holly (Ilex…
08DecProtected: 2024 Holiday Wreath Workshop Morning Session (Dec. 08, 2024) (PRIVATE)
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10MarBirding for Beginners with Pam Newitt (Virtual Lecture and Guided Walk) Mar. 10 and 13, 2022
Want to begin bird watching but don’t know where to start? Pam Newitt, Preserve naturalist, educator and ornithological enthusiast, will teach us the basics of field identification through both…
10MarBirding for Beginners with Pam Newitt (Virtual Lecture) Mar. 10, 2022
Want to begin bird watching but don’t know where to start? Pam Newitt, Preserve naturalist, educator and ornithological enthusiast, will teach us the basics of field identification through both…
05AprDesigning Tidy Native Gardens for Traditional Suburban Properties with David Hughes (2024 Nursery Opening Lecture)
Many folks think of native plant gardens as wild, untended landscapes which can buck the social and horticultural norms of a neighborhood with acres of manicured lawns. Ecological garden…
25FebLandscape Design: An Approach for the Homeowner with Don Borden (2024)
Explore the creative process of landscape design—from how to use texture, color and constructed aspects—to how to choose the best native plant solutions for your landscape. With each… -
11MarProtected: Lichen Biology and the Lichen Flora of Bowman’s Hill Wildflower Preserve with Dennis P. Waters, Ph.D.
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11NovLiving in a Liberated Landscape with Larry Weaner (November 11, 2023)
This program is brought to you, in part, thanks to the generous support of the Bucks County Foundation.
All too often in our gardens and landscapes we think of static…
20NovMasters of the Skies: A Brief Introduction to Falconry (Nov. 20)
This program will introduce participants to falconry, its history and its significance in the past and present. It will also touch on the biology and natural history of our…