Garden with Natives
Transitioning Your Garden
The Preserve promotes the concept of “transitional gardening” as a beneficial practice to follow in your home landscape. The next time you want to add to your garden, please consider planting locally grown native plants, vines, shrubs and trees.
Regenerating your garden with native plants is an empowering response to the sobering reality that our natural world is under assault. With a garden in transition, every native plant you add makes a difference, no matter if you view yourself as a casual, serious or professional gardener.
What we plant matters!
Why? Because in the presence of more natives, your garden will transition to a more ecologically balanced and biodiverse landscape. Your garden will be able to provide the appropriate habitat for the bees, birds and other animals that want to live there.
Our Native Plant Nursery makes it easy to create a garden in transition. We offer a wide range of species propagated from seed that have been collected in our region. While some are planted and monitored for success at the Preserve, many are for sale to the public for planting on their own properties. By transitioning your garden to native plants, your yard will become a sanctuary for native plants of local origin, thus enhancing your habitat for pollinators, birds, and other wildlife.
We understand that your yard is probably already home to numerous non-native plant species. Many of these species have ornamental value and may be quite successful and beautiful. Keep them … unless, of course, they are listed as invasive species.
But, over time, strive for more balance and diversification with the addition of more native plant species. Become inspired to catch the spirit of landscape regeneration by transitioning your property to more native habitats.
In making the transition, please visit our Native Plant Nursery and take part in our many educational programs that will guide you in the process. We are confident that once you know and experience first-hand the ecological value and beauty of these species, you will only want more!