During this unprecedented crisis, we are asking for your help. With no admissions revenue and all events—including our annual Gala—cancelled during our busiest season, the Preserve has lost most of its annual income stream.
Nonetheless, our staff and volunteers continue to deliver on our mission: to inspire the appreciation and use of native plants by serving as a sanctuary and an educational resource. We are:
- in accordance with social/physical distancing guidelines, both working remotely and tending the plants in the nursery.
- converting, where possible, to web-based programs (www.bhwp.org) and creating virtual tours to share the Preserve’s glorious spring awakening with our members.
- planning for online plant sales with curbside pickup (more details to come).
If you haven’t already, please consider signing up for our Preserve Notes (bhwp@bhwp.org) and following us on Facebook and Instagram to keep in touch with us now and in the future.
The Preserve has been an important part of the community for almost a century, and with your support we will be here for future generations. If your circumstances allow, please consider a gift to the Preserve’s annual fund at https://bhwp.org/donate-now/ so we may continue to serve as a refuge for nature and people once this crisis passes. Together, we will get through this and be stronger for it.