03NovThursday Night Nature: Learning Native Lenape Plants with Barbara Bluejay Michalski (Nov. 3)
Long before pure chemicals were manufactured in labs, members of the Lenape Nation used plants for medicine, some of which are still utilized today. Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis), mayapple (Podophyllum…
10OctThursday Night Nature: Lenape Past, Present and Plantways: Traditional Ecological Knowledge from the Lenapehokink with Adam DePaul (October 10, 2024)
Chief Adam Waterbear, tribal storykeeper and director of education for the Lenape Nation of Pennsylvania, will discuss the past and present of the Lenape peoples, including pre-colonial life, relationships…
02MayThursday Night Nature: Microplastics: the Invisible Pollutant with Mike Weilbacher (May 2, 2024)
A new environmental issue has quickly grabbed public attention: microplastics, found everywhere from the bottom of the ocean to our bloodstreams. Amazingly, each of us ingests a credit…
23JulThursday Night Nature: Moths (Virtual Program)
National Moth Week, July 18-26, is a global citizen science project focused on documenting biodiversity and distributions of moths. This year’s NMW theme is Backyard Mothing! Join NMW co-founder…
11AprThursday Night Nature: Native Fruits with Lee Reich, Ph.D. (April 11, 2024)
People often plant apples, peaches, pears, cherries and other familiar market fruits that reflect traditionally European heritage. Consider, however, native American fruits—being native, they are better adapted to withstand…
26OctThursday Night Nature: Nature Journaling: Observation, Questioning and Connecting! with Jack Hobe (October 26, 2023)
Learn how to document your outdoor explorations and make yourself a better observer by keeping your own nature journal. Join local naturalist/artist Jack Hobe for an evening talk about…
28SepThursday Night Nature: Naughty by Nature: Courtship in the Animal Kingdom with Mike Weilbacher (September 28, 2023)
Birds do it, bees do it and sentimental fleas? Don’t even ask. In a fun yet science-filled, illustrated, PG-13 lecture, Mike Weilbacher presents the extraordinary life stories and adaptations…
18JunThursday Night Nature: Neotropical Migrants: The Habitat Connection (Virtual Program)
Millions of birds move back and forth each year from tropical America to or through the temperate habitats of the mid-Atlantic states. Each depends on certain plant communities to…
09MayThursday Night Nature: Pennsylvania Bat Rescue: Conservation and Rehabilitation with Stephanie Stronsick (May 9, 2024)
Join Pennsylvania Bat Rescue to learn more about bats, their habits and how they are important to the health of our ecosystem. We will also learn how to protect…
04MayThursday Night Nature: Pennsylvania’s Big Trees: Who They Are, Where They Are and Why They Are Important with Aaron Greenberg (May 4 )
Throughout the history of Pennsylvania and the region, big trees have played a major role in our ecology, economy and social lives. The Pennsylvania Big Tree Register of the…
29AugThursday Night Nature: PokéPolinators and What Makes the World Go Round with PikaScience (August 29, 2024)
Several franchises of pop culture have derived inspiration from the natural world. The world’s highest-grossing media franchise, Pokémon, is no exception. The cast of PikaScience will explore the plants…
11JunThursday Night Nature: Pollinators and Pollination Strategies (Virtual Program)
Many plants depend on the assistance of a third party, usually an animal, to help them successfully achieve pollination. How do plants entice visitors to their flowers and manipulate…