23JanWLS 2022: Recognizing, Understanding, and Protecting Old-growth Forests (Jan. 23)
An old-growth forest is one that has formed naturally over a long period of time with little or no disturbance from humankind. They are increasingly rare and largely misunderstood….
16JanProtected: WLS 2022: The Dawn of Ecosystems (Jan. 16)
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09JanProtected: WLS 2022: The Great Amphibian Migration (Jan. 9)
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
08SepCreating Backyard Habitat for Butterflies with Jesse Connor
Our area hosts more butterflies than people realize (more than 100 species!); but the butterflies need our help. This members-only* talk focuses on what we can do to re-establish…
28JulHow to Really Save the Bees with Nancy Lawson
One in four bee species in North America is now at risk of extinction. Historically under-studied and under-appreciated, our nearly 4,000 native bee species live decidedly different lifestyles than…
08Sep(CANCELLED) Milkweeds & Monarchs
Monarch caterpillars feed exclusively on leaves of milkweed, the only host plant for this iconic butterfly species. Without it, they cannot complete their life cycle. The good news is…
07JulMoth Madness with Elena Tartaglia, Ph.D.
Join Elena Tartaglia, Ph.D., to explore nighttime nature! This program is a prelude to the citizen science project, National Moth Week, held July 21 – 29, 2018. We…
19JulMoth Madness with Elena Tartaglia, Ph.D.
Join Elena Tartaglia, Ph.D., to explore nighttime nature! This program is a prelude to the citizen science project, National Moth Week, held July 20 – 28, 2019. We…
09SepNatural Landscape Design: Meadows, Woods, and Water with Larry Weaner
Natural gardens reduce maintenance needs, improve the environment, and enhance the beauty of any residential property. Through a series of case studies, this presentation details techniques for gracefully integrating…
21JulNorth American Butterfly Association (NABA) Butterfly Count
Come for an all-day event focusing on our fluttering friends. Why count butterflies? It helps scientists piece together the big picture of the distribution and population size of each…
20JulNorth American Butterfly Association (NABA) Butterfly Count
Come for an all-day event focusing on our fluttering friends. Why count butterflies? It helps scientists piece together the big picture of the distribution and population size of each…
19AugThe Invasive Spotted Lanternfly
The invasive insect, the spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) was first discovered in Pennsylvania in 2014. This session will discuss what it is, how to identify it, why we are…