05FebWinter Lecture Series: Forest Medicine with Amanda Crooke (Feb. 5, 2023)
Before the dawn of modern medicine, humans turned to the fields and forest for a reprieve to what ailed them. Explore the medicinal powers of precious forest herbs such…
12FebWinter Lecture Series: Glowing, Glowing, Gone: Fireflies of the Eastern & Central United States with Ben Pfeiffer (Feb. 12, 2023)
Prepare for an enlightening virtual journey to learn about the fireflies (Lampyridae) of the Eastern and Central United States and why they are currently disappearing. Explore the bioluminescent creatures…
29JanWinter Lecture Series: Healing Power of Plants: The Roots of Horticultural Therapy with Laura DePrado (Jan. 29, 2023)
Plants have universal appeal. Plants do not judge. Plants are used in sickness and in health, in celebration and in sorrow. We cook with them. We wear them as…
08JanWinter Lecture Series: Monarch Butterflies: Masters of Migration with Mike Weilbacher (Jan. 8, 2023)
Every year, monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus)—those showy, Halloween-colored beauties—engage in one of nature’s most extraordinary feats: flying to a very few secluded mountain valleys in Mexico. After wintering, they…
15JanWinter Lecture Series: Pawpaws to the People with Chris Chmiel (Jan. 15, 2023)
Pawpaw (Asimina triloba), the North American native tree that produces the largest edible fruits—once nearly forgotten—has seen a dramatic resurgence in popularity. While you may not see the fruit…
22JanProtected: Winter Lecture Series: Preserving Culture Through Gardening with Justin Trezza (Jan. 22, 2023)
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13FebWLS 2022: Container Gardening with Native Plants: Observations from a Rooftop In Brooklyn (Feb. 13)
Learn how to grow happy, healthy native plants in clay pots, wooden boxes or even plastic bags. From planning and potting to maintenance and overwintering, you’ll be ready for…
06FebWLS 2022: Creating a Pollinator Paradise with Native Perennials (Feb. 6)
Looking forward to welcoming the migratory birds and butterflies that will be returning to Pennsylvania in early spring? Join Heather Andrews, The Thoughtful Gardener, as she shares practical tips…
20FebProtected: WLS 2022: Growing Your Own Bird Feeder Using Native Plants with Juanita Hummel (Feb. 20)
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27FebWLS 2022: Native Plants that Shaped Our History with Santino Lauricella (Feb. 27)
Santino Lauricella finds that plants as a group are generally overlooked by our society. With the exception of food, garden beauty or possibly building material, many don’t realize the…
23JanWLS 2022: Recognizing, Understanding, and Protecting Old-growth Forests (Jan. 23)
An old-growth forest is one that has formed naturally over a long period of time with little or no disturbance from humankind. They are increasingly rare and largely misunderstood….