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The Hidden Life of Trees with Monica Flint

Saturday, September 15
Saturday, September 15
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm


Do trees really talk with each other? Or is this a romantic fantasy straight out of Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings? Peter Wohlleben is a forester who has long studied the life of trees in the forest in Germany. In his book, The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate, he describes the trees’ interactions and methods of communication. The latest scientific studies conducted by respected institutions of higher learning confirm Wohlleben’s observations. But while some scientists, like Wohlleben, may seem to see intention or purpose behind trees’ interactions, others see genetic programming without consciousness at work. Read Wohlleben’s book, available in the Twinleaf Book & Gift Shop; then join Monica Flint for a discussion and a walk to visit some of the trees in Penn’s Woods.

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Fees: Members: $8; Non-members: $10
Additional Information: Online registration for this event closes on September 13, 2018. If you wish to register on or after this date, please call 215.862.2924 for space availability and reservations.