25MarKnowing Native Plants: Signs of Spring with Mary Anne Borge (Mar. 25, 2023)
One of the most exciting sights to behold is your first flower of the spring season. Meet the early flowering plants—including snow trillium (Trillium nivale), skunk cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus)…
26MarKnowing Native Plants: Signs of Spring with Mary Anne Borge (Mar. 26, 2022)
13AprKnowing Native Plants: Spring Ephemerals with Mary Anne Borge (Apr. 13, 2024)
15AprKnowing Native Plants: Spring Ephemerals with Mary Anne Borge (Apr. 15, 2023)
05AprKnowing Native Plants: Spring Ephemerals with Mary Anne Borge (Apr. 5, 2025)
09AprKnowing Native Plants: Spring Ephemerals with Mary Anne Borge (Apr. 9, 2022)
25SepKnowing Native Plants: The Amazing Aster Family Part 2, Classic Asters and Their Colorful Companions (Sept. 25)
Join Naturalist Mary Anne Borge to find out what makes aster family members different from all other plants, and learn their importance to both wildlife and people. You’ll learn…
26SepKnowing Native Plants: The Amazing Aster Family Part 2, Classic Asters and Their Colorful Companions (Virtual Program)
Join Naturalist Mary Anne Borge to find out what makes aster family members different from all other plants, and learn their importance to both wildlife and people. You’ll learn…
24SepKnowing Native Plants: The Amazing Aster Family: Classic Asters and Their Colorful Companions with Mary Anne Borge (Sept. 24, 2022)
27AugProtected: Knowing Native Plants: The Amazing Aster Family: Confusing Yellow Composites with Mary Anne Borge (Aug 27, 2022)
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26FebKnowing Native Plants: Trees in Winter (Feb. 26, 2022)
01MarKnowing Native Plants: Trees in Winter with Ed Lignowski, Ph.D. (Mar. 1, 2025)