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WLS 2022: Container Gardening with Native Plants: Observations from a Rooftop In Brooklyn (Feb. 13)

Sunday, February 13
Sunday, February 13
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm


Learn how to grow happy, healthy native plants in clay pots, wooden boxes or even plastic bags. From planning and potting to maintenance and overwintering, you’ll be ready for a successful adventure in native plant container gardening.

Noah Ratzan is an amateur gardener based in Brooklyn, NY. He has spent the last two years cultivating his Brooklyn rooftop native plant garden, which now is home to over 50 native plant species. Noah’s favorite thing about his small garden is the life it brings and the many pollinators and insects that now and then call the place home.

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Program Fee: $15 (Members, enter your code at checkout to receive your 20% discount.)

Additional Information: Online registration for this program closes at 12:00 pm on the date of the program. Zoom invitations will be sent out after this time to the email used to register for the event. The link will come from OR

This lecture is part of our annual Winter Lecture Series. The series features presentations by regionally renowned experts who address a wide range of topics related to natural history, biodiversity, ecological gardening, native plants and native wildlife.

All lectures will be held virtually using Zoom.