Online booking for today is now closed. You may purchase your ticket for today directly at the Preserve gate.

Winter Waterfowl Field Trip

Wednesday, December 6
Wednesday, December 6
8:00 am - 5:00 pm


Many species of waterfowl make a migratory stop at the Edwin B. Forsythe NWR in Oceanville, N.J., on their way south. Education Coordinator Kelly Joslin and birders Chris and Gerry Dewaghe will serve as your hosts and guides on this special visit to “Brig.” We’ll look for brant, teal, scaup and others, plus we may get bonus birds like peregrine falcons, bald eagles and winter sparrows along Wildlife Drive. Spotting scopes and snacks will be provided. This program is geared toward adults.

Please dress for the weather, bring a sack lunch and binoculars. This program meets at the NWR. Transportation is not provided. Directions will be provided after registration.

Advance registration required by Dec. 3.



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