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Winter Lecture Series: Pollination: What’s the True Story?

Sunday, February 10
Sunday, February 10
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm


Is it “Plants and Animals living in harmony” or is it another case of “Plants vs. Animals” like herbivory? The relationship between plants and animals that visit the flowers to get nectar and pollen is a complicated one. Like most ecological relationships the two parties each have their own goals. Plants want their pollen moved around and animals want nectar and/or pollen for food. The tension between these two goals has driven a wide array of adaptations in flowers and in animal anatomy and behavior. With many close-up pictures and a few short video clips, Mike Slater will share some fascinating examples of these adaptations. Many of which you can see for yourself in your own garden and nearby fields if you take time to look closely.

Mike Slater received a B.S. in biology from Allegheny College in Meadville, PA, in 1976 before pursuing a career in environmental education. He has served as president of both the Entomological Society of Pennsylvania and the Muhlenberg Botanical Society of Lancaster, PA. He currently writes for both the Reading Eagle and its “Berks Country” section.

Walk-ins welcome as space allows.

Punch Cards
Purchase a Winter Lecture Series punch card, good for one admission to each of the eight lectures, and save 20%. Punch cards may be purchased at the Visitor Center only. Call 215.862.2924 for additional information.

Winter Weather
If we must cancel or postpone a program, we will disseminate the message via Facebook, our website and email. Please check those sources before venturing out in poor weather conditions.



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