Online booking for today is now closed. You may purchase your ticket for today directly at the Preserve gate.

Thursday Night Nature: Bats (Virtual Program)

Thursday, July 16
Thursday, July 16
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
This is a digital program, the login information will be sent out 1-3 hours before the event via email   View map


Bats are the second-most diverse group of mammals, with a little over 1,300 known species. By eating insect pests, dispersing seeds and pollinating flowers, bats provide essential services to humanity while often going unnoticed in the nighttime skies above us. Join our virtual meeting to learn about the biology and ecology of these amazing creatures—from their ability to navigate using sound, to their feeding and roosting habits, as well as the threats they face from human activity and a rapidly spreading fungal disease.

Presented By: Matthew Wund PhD
Matthew Wund, professor of biology at The College of New Jersey (TCNJ), earned his Ph.D. in ecology and evolutionary biology in 2005 from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. There he studied the echolocation behavior of bats, as well as the impacts bats have on mosquitoes. He subsequently held a postdoctoral research fellowship at Clark University, in Worcester, MA, where he investigated the evolution of behavior and morphology in threespine stickleback fish. He has continued this line of research since joining the TCNJ faculty in 2009.

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Fees: Members: $8, non-members: $12

Additional Information: This event will take place over the video conferencing application Zoom. You will receive an email on Thursday confirming your registration and providing you with a link to join the lecture.

Online booking for this program ends on Thursday, July 16, 2020, at 6:00 pm. If you wish to register after the deadline, please email for space availability and reservations.


Additional information


Member $8.00, Non-member $12.00