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Penn’s Woods Tree Tour (November 1, 2023)

Wednesday, November 1
Wednesday, November 1
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Established in 1944, Penn’s Woods is a nine-acre arboretum within the Preserve that showcases a collection of mature trees native to Pennsylvania. Join one of our seasoned naturalists and explore the history and diversity of Pennsylvania’s trees. We’ll learn why native trees work best in the landscape and the integral role they play in our environment. The naturalist leading this invigorating walk will meet participants at the Visitor Center. For ages 12 and up.

Jim Bray, a NY native with a long-term passion for gardening and conservation, has lived in Bucks County, PA, for most of his adult life. He is a Preserve interpretive naturalist, a master gardener and is the past chairman of the Lower Makefield Township Environmental Council. During his time as chair of LMT, they received several national and state awards, among them the Environmental Achievement Award from the U.S. EPA—the only community so honored in the whole Mid-Atlantic region—as well as the PA Governor’s Award for Environmental Excellence. Bray is an avid outdoors enthusiast and biker, and if you walk the canal, you will run into him sooner or later.

Fee: Members: $5; Non-members: $15 (includes Preserve admission)
Additional Information: Online registration for this program closes two days prior to the event. If you wish to register on or after online registration closes, space availability and reservations.



10 Has Sold

Fee: Members: $5; Non-members: $15 (includes Preserve admission)
Additional Information: Online registration for this program closes two days prior to the event. If you wish to register on or after online registration closes, space availability and reservations.

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Member, Non Member