Online booking for today is now closed. You may purchase your ticket for today directly at the Preserve gate.

Nature Adventures Summer Camp

Tuesday, July 24
Friday, July 27
10:00 am - 3:00 pm


We’re thrilled to partner with the fine folks at Delaware River Canal State Park to offer a summer experience full of adventures in nature. Budding young scientists will explore the marvels of nature as they learn and play amidst our 100-plus acres of ponds, meadow and forests. They will learn about birds, ecology and the natural and cultural history of our region. Campers will also learn to orienteer, geocache and kayak on the Delaware Canal.

Summer Camp Registration Forms

Download the Camp Registration Form

Download the DCNR Program Waiver Form

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Fees: Members $175; Non-Members $195; a $75 deposit will hold your registration and full balance is due three weeks before camp begins.
Registration Information: Complete a 2018 camp registration form and DCNR Program Waiver.