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Mornings in the Meadow (Summer) September 20, 2023

Wednesday, September 20
Wednesday, September 20
9:00 am - 10:30 am


Nectar and pollen from our native meadow plants such as the aster family and goldenrods (Solidago spp.) fuel the lives of our native pollinators throughout autumn. Join one of our seasoned naturalists for a guided tour of our 6.4-acre meadow to learn about meadow ecology and plant-pollinator interactions. The naturalist leading this invigorating walk will meet participants at the James Moore Pavilion. For ages 10 and up.    

Rick Anderson has been a Preserve naturalist for over 13 years and has led guided meadow walks for the past 5 years. He’s a scout merit badge counselor for nature, forestry and environmental science. He has volunteered at local schools, teaching students about watersheds, water quality and ecosystems. Anderson hosted a public video recording on our meadows, showcasing the ecosystem of wet, moist and dry areas that each support different plant and animal communities.

Lauren Hahn is a recent graduate of Juniata College and former Preserve intern. She studied biology and wildlife conservation and discovered her passion for advocacy and the environment. Through involvement at the Preserve, Hahn hopes to expand her understanding of the complex relationships between the flora and fauna of Pennsylvania.

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Fee: $8
Additional Information: Online registration for this program closes two days prior to the event. If you wish to register on or after online registration closes, space availability and reservations.