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Meadowscaping 101 Workshop with Catherine Zimmerman

Sunday, September 15
Sunday, September 15
9:30 am - 12:30 pm


Before manicured lawns, with their chemicals, mowers and blowers, there were ecological meadows with their butterflies, birds and bees. Come and learn how to meadowscape with Catherine Zimmerman, author of Suburban Meadows, Bringing Meadowscaping to Big and Small Spaces. Catherine will provide both the inspiration and multiple, organic methods to create a meadow on your property. The workshop will cover meadow site preparation, design, planting and maintenance. Walk away with sample designs for dry, mesic (average) and wet locations as well as lists of native plants to create your own, living landscape design. There will be a tour Aquetong Meadow as well as the opportunity to purchase plants to get started on yourmeadowscape.

Author and filmmaker Catherine Zimmerman is a certified horticulturist and landscape designer based in Yellow Springs, Ohio. An Accredited Organic Land Care Professional (AOLCP) from the NOFA Organic Land Care Program, Catherine has designed and taught a course in organic landscaping for the USDA Graduate School Horticulture program. She is accredited in organic land care through the Northeast Organic Farmers Association and has designed and taught a course in organic landscaping for the USDA Graduate School Horticulture program.

Pre-registration for this program closes two days prior to the event. After September 13, please call 215.862.2924 for space availability and reservations.


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Fees: Members: $55; Non-members: $65
Additional Information: Online registration for this program closes two days prior to the event. After September 13, please call 215.862.2924 for space availability and reservations.