Online booking for today is now closed. You may purchase your ticket for today directly at the Preserve gate.
How the Geology of Bowman’s Hill Influences Our Environment – Jan. 31 – WLS 2021
Join local geologist Phil Getty on a virtual tour of the geology in and around Bowman’s Hill Wildflower Preserve. Learn how Bowman Hill’s unique geology was formed and the influence that bedrock has on nature, as well as humans. This lecture will enable you to understand how geology directly controls topography and soils to create the hill’s unique plant, animal and aquatic ecosystems.
Phil Getty has consulted as an environmental hydrogeologist in the Bucks County area for 40 years. The professional geologist holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in geology from Pennsylvania State and West Virginia universities. He has served on the boards of the Peace Valley Nature Center and Bucks County Audubon Society, as well as taught at Delaware Valley University. He also has advised land conservation associations, such as the Heritage Conservancy, on natural resources. In addition, Getty has presented numerous geology classes and field trips for naturalists, nature centers and the general public, with the goal of increasing our awareness of the land beneath our feet.
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Program Fee: $15 (Members, enter your code at checkout to receive your 20% discount.)
Additional Information: Online registration for this program closes on Jan. 31, 2021, at 12:00 pm. Zoom invitations will be sent out after this time to the email used to register for the event. The link will come from OR
This lecture is part of our annual Winter Lecture Series. The series features presentations by regionally renowned experts who address a wide range of topics related to natural history, biodiversity, ecological gardening, native plants and native wildlife. All lectures will be held virtually using Zoom.