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Dragonfly I.D. Workshop

Saturday, August 12
Saturday, August 12
10:00 am - 1:00 pm


Learn about the fascinating world of dragonflies from one of the masters in the field. Mike May, Ph.D., will teach you about the basics of what members of the Odonata family are, their life cycles and behavior, and give you an inside glimpse into his research. Program includes a presentation indoors and a journey outside to search for adult and larva. Binoculars are helpful but not required. This program is geared for adults.

Mike May grew up in Florida and began collecting insects at a young age. His interest in dragonflies peaked in graduate school at the University of Florida where he earned his Ph.D. He spent three years on postdoctoral appointments in Panama and the University of Illinois. He retired from Rutgers University in 2012 but still keeps up research on dragonflies. He is coauthor of two books: Damselflies of North America and A Manual of the Dragonflies of North America, and author/co-author of more than 60 scientific papers. He also is a member of the editorial board of The International Journal of Odonatology and is deeply involved in the Xerces Society’s Migratory Dragonfly Project (www.migratoryd​ragonflypartner​

Advance registration required by Aug. 10.



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