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Dear Friend of the Preserve,

Native plant communities form the basis for a wonderful diversity of life. From the tiny flies and beetles that pollinate skunk cabbage in early spring, to the wide of variety birds that depend upon the Preserve’s healthy ecosystem, our native plants are the underlying support system that makes so much life possible.

In the same way that our native plants support a rich abundance of life, your support of the Preserve’s Annual Fund sustains our educational programs, our blossoming Native Plant Nursery and ensures the growth of our amazing living collection. Your gift to the Annual Fund serves as the brilliant warm sun to nourish our educational offerings like the Children’s Reading Program, and the life giving rain to support over 700 species of native plants on our grounds. Simply put, your generous gift to this special place is the wellspring from which our inspiring mission flows.

This is your Preserve, vibrant and relevant because of your thoughtful stewardship, and your gift to the Preserve’s Annual Fund is more important than ever. Together we can inspire action and change behavior in pursuit of a healthy and diverse natural world.

Thank you for your involvement and generosity!

Miles Arnott – Executive Director