08Apr“Right Plant, Right Place” 2022 Native Plant Nursery Opening Special Lecture with Gregg Tepper
With so many wonderful natives to choose from, visiting the Native Plant Nursery can be overwhelming. What should you plant and where? What are the benefits of each species?…
05Dec“The Insect Crisis” an evening with author Oliver Milman
It can be said that insects are the unsung heroes of our world. In terms of abundance, they account for around three-quarters of Earth’s known animal species. Insects play…
09NovProtected: “Soil: The Story of a Black Mother’s Garden” with Camille T. Dungy (November 9, 2024)
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
13Nov2021 Annual Meeting
Please join us for our Annual Meeting, being held virtually on Saturday, Nov. 13 from 9 – 10:30 am. We will review 2021, both its challenges and the great…
12Nov2022 Annual Meeting
Please join us for our virtual annual meeting on Saturday, Nov. 12, 9:30 to 10:30 am. We will review 2022, both its challenges and great successes, including online education…
11Nov2023 Annual Meeting
Please join us for our virtual annual meeting on Saturday, Nov. 11, 9:30 to 10:30 am. We will review 2023, both its challenges and great successes. In addition, we’ll…
07DecA Year-End Conversation with our Executive Director, Peter Couchman
Join us for our second Q&A with Peter Couchman, Bowman’s Hill Wildflower Preserve’s executive director. has brought many challenges and successes. Pete will review both, as well as share…
05AprDesigning Tidy Native Gardens for Traditional Suburban Properties with David Hughes (2024 Nursery Opening Lecture)
Many folks think of native plant gardens as wild, untended landscapes which can buck the social and horticultural norms of a neighborhood with acres of manicured lawns. Ecological garden…
14AprNative Plants: Beyond the Wild in Community with John Mark Courtney (2023 Nursery Opening Lecture)
With so many native plants available, how do you successfully choose what is right for your garden? This presentation will draw from John Mark Courtney’s personal experience and observations…
09AprNatives in Your Landscaping (Native Plant Nursery Opening Special)
Are you interested in “going native” but are unsure how to start? Are you looking to understand what plants will best suit your landscaping objectives? In this presentation, nationally…
15MarPreserve Spring Update with Pete Couchman
Join us for this year’s first Preserve update by Peter Couchman, Bowman’s Hill Wildflower Preserve’s executive director. The Preserve’s staff and volunteers have been busy all winter preparing for…
24AugPreserve Summer Update with Pete Couchman
Much has happened at the Preserve since the last conversation with Pete. We participated in the Philadelphia Flower show for the first time, several new staff have joined our…