12MayKnowing Native Plants: Focus on Ferns
Some native plants, such as ferns, don’t flower at all. In this popular program, Ed Lignowski, Ph.D., will teach you to identify many native ferns. He will highlight their…
09Sep(CANCELLED) Make & Take: Fall Planter Workshop
Come to the Native Plant Nursery and create your own native fall planter. This planter will be an inviting piece for your front porch or back patio. The selected…
08Sep(CANCELLED) Milkweeds & Monarchs
Monarch caterpillars feed exclusively on leaves of milkweed, the only host plant for this iconic butterfly species. Without it, they cannot complete their life cycle. The good news is…
11AugMornings in the Meadow
Amidst a sea of waving green grasses, native bees and butterflies gather nectar or pollen from milkweeds, mints, bonesets, and coneflowers. Before the day heats up, take a guided…
25JulCANCELLED Mornings in the Meadow
Amidst a sea of waving green grasses, native bees and butterflies gather nectar or pollen from milkweeds, mints, bonesets, and coneflowers. Before the day heats up, take a guided…
12OctA Walk in Penn’s Woods – Oct. 12 (CANCELLED)
Started in 1944, Penn’s Woods is a nine-acre arboretum within the Preserve that showcases a collection of trees native to Pennsylvania. Join our seasoned naturalists and explore the history…
26OctA Walk in Penn’s Woods – Oct. 26
Started in 1944, Penn’s Woods is a nine-acre arboretum within the Preserve that showcases a collection of mature trees native to Pennsylvania. Join one of our seasoned naturalists and…
21SepA Walk in Penn’s Woods – Sept. 21
Started in 1944, Penn’s Woods is a nine-acre arboretum within the Preserve that showcases a collection of trees native to Pennsylvania. Join our seasoned naturalists and explore the history…
07SepProtected: A Walk in Penn’s Woods Sept. 7
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22AugMornings in the Meadow
Amidst a sea of waving green grasses, native bees and butterflies gather nectar or pollen from milkweeds, mints, bonesets, and coneflowers. Before the day heats up, take a guided…
24JulMornings in the Meadow
Native bees and butterflies gather nectar or pollen from milkweeds, mints, bonesets and coneflowers. Take a guided tour of our 4-acre meadow to learn about native warm season grasses,…
10AugMornings in the Meadow
Native bees and butterflies gather nectar or pollen from milkweeds, mints, bonesets and coneflowers. Take a guided tour of our 4-acre meadow to learn about native warm season grasses,…