06SepMornings in the Meadow (Summer) September 6, 2023
Nectar and pollen from our native meadow plants such as the aster family and goldenrods (Solidago spp.) fuel the lives of our native pollinators throughout autumn. Join one of…
16FebProtected: 23rd Annual Land Ethics Symposium: Creative Approaches for Ecological Landscaping (General Admission)
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23SepKnowing Native Plants: Classic Asters and Their Colorful Companions with Mary Anne Borge (Sept. 23, 2023)
26AugKnowing Native Plants: Confusing Yellow Composites with Mary Anne Borge (Aug 26, 2023)
20MayProtected: Knowing Native Plants: Flowering Shrubs with Mary Anne Borge (May 20, 2023)
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03JunProtected: Knowing Native Plants: Focus on Ferns with Ed Lignowski, Ph.D. (Jun. 3, 2023)
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04NovKnowing Native Plants: From Flowers to Seeds with Ed Lignowski, Ph.D. (Nov. 4, 2023)
17JunKnowing Native Plants: Invasive Species ID and Management with Mary Anne Borge (June 17, 2023)
06MayKnowing Native Plants: Late Spring Lovelies with Mary Anne Borge (May 6, 2023)
29JulKnowing Native Plants: Meadow Magic with Mary Anne Borge (July 29, 2023)
04FebKnowing Native Plants: Plant ID with Ed Lignowski, Ph.D. (Feb. 4, 2023)
25MarKnowing Native Plants: Signs of Spring with Mary Anne Borge (Mar. 25, 2023)
One of the most exciting sights to behold is your first flower of the spring season. Meet the early flowering plants—including snow trillium (Trillium nivale), skunk cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus)…