04NovButterfly Gardening With Native Plants – Thursday Night Nature (Nov. 4)
Butterfly gardening is a method used to protect the entire life cycle of butterflies. Whether you garden in sun or shade, there are many native plants that will attract…
21NovCancelled: Nature Therapy Walk: A Shinrin-yoku Experience (November)
Nature therapy walks are a unique, immersive and slow-paced experience with proven health benefits. Inspired by the Japanese practice of forest bathing and led by certified nature and forest…
04AugCANCELLED: Nature’s Navigators: Friends of the Forest
Join us for a morning of trekking amongst the trees as we explore some of BHWP’s beautiful forests. In this program, children and parents will embark on an exploration…
06MayChanging Weather Patterns in PA: How does this impact our environmental goals? – Thursday Night Nature (May 6)
The climate is changing globally and our long-term plans should include how these changes impact Pennsylvania…
14OctColorful birds: Exquisite Eggshells and Other Avian Adventures – Thursday Night Nature (Oct. 14)
Birds evolved about 150 million years ago, and today they are the most diverse and colorful land vertebrates. Learn about the fascinating ecological and evolutionary processes that contribute to…
22JulCreating a Native Water Harvesting Garden (a.k.a. Rain Gardens) – Thursday Night Nature (July 22)
Have you ever wondered what you could do with all the water running off your driveway or your front roof? You could harvest that water of course and use…
22AprDeer-Resistant Natives for the Northeast – Thursday Night Nature (April 22)
Join horticulturists Ruth Rogers Clausen and Gregg Tepper for…
29AprEvolution of a Garden Habitat – Thursday Night Nature (April 29)
As we look to our home landscapes to cease doing harm, support habitat and head toward…
07SepProtected: Fantastic Fungi and How to Draw Them
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03JunForest Bathing: Finding Wellness Naturally – Thursday Night Nature (June 3)
Explore the wellness benefits available to you by spending time in a natural environment. This presentation…
24JanGetting to the Source of Our Native Plants: Does Provenance Matter? – Jan. 24 – WLS 2021
As native plants gain popularity in the horticultural trade, there are important issues and challenges that need to be considered. The potential for genetic exchange between cultivated native plants…