Online booking for today is now closed. You may purchase your ticket for today directly at the Preserve gate.

Winter Lecture Series: Of a Feather: A (Brief) History of American Birding

Sunday, January 13
Sunday, January 13
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm


Due to a large demand for tickets, this lecture will now be held from 2- 3 pm in the auditorium at WASHINGTON CROSSING STATE PARK, located at 1112 River Rd., Washington Crossing, PA 18977. The venue is 4.6 miles south of the Preserve on River Rd. with 2 parking lots located across the street from their Visitor Center. For more details and directions, please follow the following link


From the moment Europeans arrived in North America, they were awestruck by a continent awash with birds—great flocks of wild pigeons, woodlands alive with brilliantly colored songbirds. Join naturalist and author Scott Weidensaul as he traces the unpredictable history of bird study in America, from frontier ornithologists (one of whom barely escaped pursuing Apaches with a precious hawk egg hidden in his mouth) to society matrons who organized the first effective conservation movement; from luminaries like Alexander Wilson (a convicted libeler) and Audubon (an accomplished liar) to modern geniuses like Roger Tory Peterson. Based on his book “Of a Feather,” this whirlwind history shows how ornithology and birding grew from eccentric hobbies into something so completely mainstream they’re now (almost) cool.

Scott Weidensaul is the author of more than two dozen books on natural history, including “Living on the Wind,” a Pulitzer Prize finalist. Weidensaul is a contributing editor for Audubon, a columnist for Bird Watcher’s Digest and writes for a variety of other publications. He resides in eastern Pennsylvania, where he studies the migration of owls and hummingbirds.

Walk-ins welcome as space allows.

Punch Cards
Purchase a Winter Lecture Series punch card, good for one admission to each of the eight lectures, and save 20%. Punch cards may be purchased at the Visitor Center only. Call 215.862.2924 for additional information.

Winter Weather
If we must cancel or postpone a program, we will disseminate the message via Facebook, our website and email. Please check those sources before venturing out in poor weather conditions.



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