Online booking for today is now closed. You may purchase your ticket for today directly at the Preserve gate.

Wild Gentle Yoga: Yoga to Connect with Yourself and Nature Session 3 (Sept. 2)

Wednesday, September 2
Wednesday, September 2
8:00 am - 9:00 am


This program has a tiered pricing system that allows you to pay what you wish.

Join Priscilla Hayes, Bowman’s Hill Wildflower Preserve volunteer naturalist and certified yoga teacher, for gentle yoga that builds body awareness, strength, flexibility and a better understanding of how humans connect to and reflect natural systems. Draw inspiration from the company of native plants living in community with each other and humans at BHWP. Each session will include a series of breath exercises, asanas (physical poses) and a guided meditation on our connection to nature. Each week will feature a themed body/mind focus, including breath, importance of posture, heart center, hips, arms, spine, fascia, connections (where you feel something may not be where it is happening).

Safe social distancing will be practiced throughout each session, and participants are asked to bring their own mats, a blanket, and any other props.

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This class has tiered pricing. Each tier has the same access to program material. Please, choose the option that is right for you and your circumstances.
Due to limited class size, pre-registration required.

In accordance with our COVID-19 Health and Safty Plan, this onsite program will be following appropriate social distancing measures. As such, please bring your own traditional practicing materials, including but not limited to a mat and blocks.

Additional information


Tier Level 1 – $8.00, Tier Level 2 – $12.00, Tier Level 3 – $16.00