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“Wild” Gentle Yoga: Yoga to Connect with Yourself and Nature (May 19, 2021)

Wednesday, May 19
Wednesday, May 19
8:00 am - 9:00 am


This program has a tiered pricing system that allows you to pay what you wish.

Join Priscilla Hayes, Bowman’s Hill Wildflower Preserve volunteer naturalist and
certified yoga teacher, for gentle yoga that builds body awareness, strength, flexibility
and a better understanding of how humans connect to and reflect natural systems.
Week by week, in the Moss Garden, you will notice the small changes in the mosses and their companion plants. On your mat each week, you will notice the small—or not so small—changes in yourself: the community of your body, mind and spirit.

Each session will include breath exercises, yoga poses, and gentle self-care
exercises/meditations. Create an intimate awareness of your body and self surrounded by the mosses and plants as they provide you lovely fresh air and peace.
Safe social distancing will be practiced throughout each session, and participants are
asked to bring their own mats, a blanket, and any other props (a block and a strap are recommended).

Priscilla Hayes was inspired to become a yoga teacher after she experienced the benefits of
yoga firsthand, in both healing and developing flexibility after a knee replacement. Wanting to
pass those same benefits on to others, she completed teacher training at Honor Yoga in 2018,
and did her first year and a half of teaching there, as well as completing additional training in
various yoga specialties. She left to pursue her passions of yoga in nature and of inspiring
others to engage in a daily home practice. She has been teaching in the moss garden at
Bowman’s Hill Wildflower Preserve since late spring 2020 (with a winter break). Since August
2020, she has been posting approximately half-hour sequences combining yoga with other self-
care practices at Home Practice Breaks,, which
can be accessed at any time for free.

Safe social distancing will be practiced throughout each session, and participants are asked to bring their own mats, a blanket, and any other props.

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.


12 Has Sold

This class has tiered pricing. Each tier has the same access to program material. Please, choose the option that is right for you and your circumstances.
Due to limited class size, pre-registration required.

In accordance with our COVID-19 Health and Safety Plan, this onsite program will be following appropriate social distancing measures. As such, please bring your own traditional practicing materials, including but not limited to a mat and blocks.

Additional information


Tier Level 1 – $8.00, Tier Level 2 – $12.00, Tier Level 3 – $16.00