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Ruthless Nature with Cian Brownlee (Thursday Night Nature May 5)

Thursday, May 5
Thursday, May 5
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Every species has its “Goldilocks zone,” an area where it thrives best. Learn to recognize the natural forces that support and constrain native plant populations everywhere–and how you can use them to your advantage. Cian Brownlee will discuss how you can unravel the natural history and conditions of a site simply by observing the plants that are already present there.

Currently a senior in high school, Cian Brownlee grew up taking trips to various unique, natural places throughout the east coast. This has resulted in a deep-seated love for nature and the outdoors. An aspiring author, he has worked on short stories, novels, music, TV shows and more. When he isn’t writing or exploring the outdoors, he enjoys devoting his time to his local church’s student ministry and other volunteering opportunities.

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Program Fee: $15 (Members, enter your code at checkout to receive your 20% discount.)

Additional Information: Online registration for this program closes at 5:00 pm on the date of the program. Zoom invitations will be sent out after this time to the email used to register for the event. The link will come from OR

This lecture is part of our Thursday Night Nature series. The series features presentations by regionally renowned experts who address a wide range of topics related to natural history, biodiversity, ecological gardening, native plants and native wildlife.

All lectures will be held virtually using Zoom, recorded and shared with registrants for a short time.