Online booking for today is now closed. You may purchase your ticket for today directly at the Preserve gate.

Perimeter Walk with Naturalist Les Swartley

Saturday, October 5
Saturday, October 5
10:00 am - 12:00 pm


The Preserve would look very different without our 10-foot-tall deer fence. Have you ever wondered what lies along the edge of such a significant perimeter that encompasses nearly 100 acres of pristine and diverse woodland habitat? Join Naturalist Les Swartley as he takes you on an excursion around our boundary to study the contrast between our grounds and the neighboring landscapes. This is a rigorous walk requiring a good degree of balance. Dress for weather and wear sturdy hiking shoes appropriate for possible wet terrain.

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Fees: Members $6; Non-members $10
Additional Information: Online registration for this event closes October 3, 2019. To register after this date, please call the Visitor Center at 215.862.294.