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Native Plant Nursery Opening Day Lecture – Members Only

Saturday, April 13
Saturday, April 13
10:00 am - 11:00 am


Members-Only Lecture | 10 am – 11 am

Nursery Shopping Opening | 11 am – 5 pm

Join us on the Preserve’s Native Plant Nursery opening day! Members can attend a lecture featuring Dr. Gary C. Pavlis. The Native Plant Nursery opens to members as well as the public at 11 am.

From the Pine Barrens: The Rise of the Beloved Blueberry – A Historical Perspective

The worldwide cultivation of the highbush blueberry owes its origin to one woman living in New Jersey. Elizabeth White’s family were cranberry growers in a region of New Jersey called the Pine Barrens. Through her dedication, perseverance and horticulture knowledge, the highbush blueberry was taken out of the woods and developed into one of the most healthy and loved fruits worldwide.

Dr. Gary C. Pavlis, a professor at Rutgers University, has been working with the blueberry industry for close of 40 years and will relate the fascinating story of this remarkable woman.

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Fees: Members: Free
Registration Information: Advance registration is recommended.