Online booking for today is now closed. You may purchase your ticket for today directly at the Preserve gate.

Fourth Fridays for Families: A Long Winter’s Sleep with Priscilla Hayes (Dec. 22)

Friday, December 22
Friday, December 22
10:30 am - 12:00 pm


Kids 3 to 6 and their adult caregivers will enjoy a fun-filled morning exploring how both animals and plants rest over the winter to start fresh and new in the spring. Plants have multiple ways of winter sleep—both as adult plants (often without leaves) and as seeds. Some seeds need weeks of cold weather in order to germinate in the spring. We will make seed hibernation greenhouses to take home and observe, play “freeze tag” and enjoy other activities. Please bring a snack for your child, as we will have a snack and talk period.

Priscilla Hayes has been designing and implementing hands-on environmental education programs for children since the 1990s, when she started introducing children to recycling, reuse and composting through the Robbinsville Clean Communities and Recycling program. She was the school garden educator for three Princeton schools. Hayes is turning her backyard into a meadow for bees, butterflies, birds and native plants.


Program Fee: $10 per child, $5 for each additional, $0 per adult (Members: Enter your code to receive your 20% discount)

Each child must be accompanied by an adult. One adult can attend no more than two children.

Walks are weather dependent; please dress for the weather.



15 Has Sold

Program Fee: $10 per child, $5 for each additional, $0 per adult (Members: Enter your code to receive your 20% discount)

Additional Information: Online registration for this program closes 2 days prior to the date of the program.

Fourth Fridays for Families:

Bowman’s Hill Wildflower Preserve is the perfect place for family fun! Join us at the end of each month for a seasonal offering geared towards our budding naturalists. Offered on the fourth Friday of each month, these programs will include a story and an outdoor walk, take-home craft or other theme-appropriate activity. Appropriate for ages 3 to 6. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Walks are weather dependent; please dress for the weather.


Additional information


Accompanying Adult, Additional Child, Child