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Composting for a Sustainable Future with Heather Guidice (Thursday Night Nature April 14)

Thursday, April 14
Thursday, April 14
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Food and yard waste is an inevitable part of life and a highly valuable resource. Composting is nothing short of a visionary way to handle our organic refuse.

Heather Guidice, owner of the local composting business Kona Compost Co., will guide you on the various ways to transform your waste into a nutrient-dense soil amendment your plants, garden and soil will love. Learn about compost benefits, do’s and don’ts of composting and the variety of composting options available as you begin your journey or further refine your composting skills.

Heather Guidice is the founder of Kona Compost Co., a food scraps collection service operating in Bucks County, PA. Launched in 2019, Kona Compost’s mission is to keep food material out of landfills and transform it into nutrient-rich compost. Heather collects compost from her ecologically-minded customers, and actively provides compost education, helping to spread awareness of its role and importance in our lives. Heather is an avid gardener who enjoys growing and foraging her own food, and utilizing and promoting native plants to help restore local ecosystems. She is also a master gardener, environmental leadership fellow and certified in permaculture design.

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Program Fee: $15 (Members, enter your code at checkout to receive your 20% discount.)

Additional Information: Online registration for this program closes at 5:00 pm on the date of the program. Zoom invitations will be sent out after this time to the email used to register for the event. The link will come from OR

This lecture is part of our Thursday Night Nature series. The series features presentations by regionally renowned experts who address a wide range of topics related to natural history, biodiversity, ecological gardening, native plants and native wildlife.

All lectures will be held virtually using Zoom.