Online booking for today is now closed. You may purchase your ticket for today directly at the Preserve gate.

Collections Walk: The Millrace

Sunday, October 20
Sunday, October 20
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm


Take a walk along the newly restored Millrace Trail with the collections crew and Glenn Blakely, a volunteer with the Friends of Washington Crossing Historic Park. He was instrumental in restoring the functioning water channel as part of a larger effort to restore the Thompson-Neely Grist Mill on Pidcock Creek. You’ll learn about 19th technological ingenuity while strolling between the creek and the millrace in the colorful light of the streamside forest.



3 Has Sold

Fee: Members: $6; Non-members: $9 (includes Preserve admission)
Additional Information: Online registration for this program closes two days prior to the event on October 18, 2019. If you wish to register on or after online registration closes, please call the Preserve at (215) 862-2924 for space availability and reservations.