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Bring on the Bugs! The Importance of Native Plants & How to Get Your Neighbors On Board – Thursday Night Nature (Nov. 11)

Thursday, November 11
Thursday, November 11
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm


The conventional American landscape is almost devoid of native plants, with lots of land no longer performing its ecological function. Some folks have embraced using native plants at home but without the help of our neighbors our insects, wildlife, water, and plants are in trouble. What can we do to get more people on board? Fran and Tom have some tips to help get your neighbors on the native plant bandwagon.

Tom Knezick is naturally inquisitive but his role as production analyst requires him to pull things apart and figure out how and why they work. Coupling this with growing up on a native plant nursery and his love of podcasts is what makes Tom a natural host for Native Plants, Healthy Planet.

Fran Chismar likes to talk – and with over 30 years of nursery industry experience, Fran has a lot to talk about. He insists he is not an expert on anything, but knows just enough about everything to be dangerous. Fran brings his experience with music podcasting, and joins it with his industry knowledge in restoration and native plants, to help guide you through Native Plants, Healthy Planet.

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Additional Information: Online registration for this program closes on Thursday, Nov. 11, 2021, at 5:00 pm; for help with registration please email

You will receive your email with the Zoom meeting invitation after the registration period closes. Please be sure to keep an eye on your inbox and spam folders after 5:00 pm.

NOTE: At checkout, you will be required to enter a pickup time. Please scroll through the list and select “Virtual Class.”